Thursday, 4 June 2015

Rail Rode

I admit it. After a night in the youth hostel near Newhaven I took the train to London and then home. It was the forecast of 20-40m.p.h. winds plus the fact that once I get back to England then I just want to be home. The challenge has gone. Until next time.
But it also allows me to a little more  of England for the train journey let me see some wonderful stations, all built in the Victorian era but some since beautifully updated. 
So here they are starting with Lewes (in its original form), London Victoria (all commuter bustle), St Pancras (with its handsome façade and arch) and finally Kings Cross (recently updated). Yes, travelling by train is a pleasure, almost up there with cycling.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Journey’s End

It is nice cycling in France but there is something special when arriving at the port with the sun shining, the seagulls calling and a couple of hours until the ferry leaves for Newhaven.
Time to stock up on that last French meal of quiche and goat’s cheese plus some tomatoes and a peach or two. Or perhaps some sea food. But that’s for later. Right now a grand crème would go down well. 
And when it’s time, just a short ride to the ferry terminal. Good news today, the wind’s in my favour – probably for the first time on this trip. Yes it has been strenuous, but every cloud has a silver lining, you should see my mussels.