Sally and I have seen some wonderful wild life here in
Australia. From Kangaroos to Koalas, Possums to Platypuses (OK, not those yet)
we have glimpsed most of them.
But best of all has been the bird life. They are so exotic.
The Kookaburras that laughed as Sally screamed when a stick brushed her leg as
we walked along the gentle woodland path, will forever take top marks for
timing. Then again, the Lorikeet and Crimson Rosella are vividly colourful and so
tame that they settle on you arm to eat seed.
The laughing Kookaburra |
Crimson Rosella |
Lorikeet |
But surely none can compete with the Zipawira that we saw today during the Otway Fly Tree Top Walk. They are bright red in
colour with dark helmets and appear to build their nests half way up tree
trunks. They move in groups from tree to tree, guided by what appears to be the
flock leader and are prepared to pay around $100 for the privilege of being scared
out of their wits. The Kookaburras would laugh their socks off.
The elusive Zipawira |
That build their nests high in the trees |
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