Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Getting Religion

Maybe it's all these churches we have visited but I've been thinking again. I'm agnostic, no, make that atheist from when I was old enough to ponder such things. I held the view that perhaps in the past when life could be so fickle, so desperate, that I too would have grasped at such a route to hope. But now it smacks of organised dependency, providing wealth and prestige for the hierarchy.

Better to let everyone build their own moral code drawing on their own influences and character. But seeing how important religion can be to some of my Lebanese friends, plus the recent events/riots in the UK suggests that this individual approach is a rocky road and some may decide to wander off it. Perhaps religion can provide the bus to carry more people down it.

So maybe I was too young and hasty in dismissing it. Or maybe I am being too impatient. Perhaps individual social and moral development is a slow process with leaps and set backs and therefore I should have more confidence and be patient. Or maybe we haven't yet had a cultural/economic/environmental catastrophe sufficient to prove my way wrong and that we should indeed all get religion.

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