Friday, 30 September 2011

Tell It Like It Is

When I get a job in the Tourist Information Office, in my next life, I shall throw myself into the role applying all the lessons that I’ve learnt on this and last year’s trip.

Firstly: Enthusiasm. I will instil in the visitor the belief that they have just entered God’s Own Country, that by sheer happenstance they have happened upon the most picturesque, interesting, historical and enchanting place. I will be assisted in this by huge posters of the region displayed behind me. Lesson learned from the vivacious girl on the Serbian Danube and more recently in Crema.

Secondly, while of course listening to what the person wants to see, I shall have an Opinion and give my advice freely, with suggestions and alternatives. As dear old Donald would put it, there are known-unknown and unknown-unknowns (perhaps he should work along side me as a second career offering personal  rendition to some exciting local site). Yes, we must help as the tourists often do not know what they want. They need some direction.

Finally and most importantly, I shall use my time in those quiet moments in the off-season to ring around and check the details of the information that I am so confidently doling out. Is that campsite, B&B or agriturismo still open? Does the internet café still exist? And I shall be very insistent that, should they close temporarily for their own vacation, then they tell me, or else get struck off permanently. And they will do it, for like Google, everyone will want to be at the top of my recommendations list. Then I could be sure that I am not sending hopeful tourists of on some wild-goose chase to somewhere that has long since closed. As so often happened to me.

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