Thursday, 15 September 2011

Weakly Impassioned - Pienza - Sept 2nd

I produced a sign marked ROACH to greet Sally when she arrived at Pisa airport. It was to make her feel like the international business excecutive that she has become.

It reminded me of when we lived in the USA and i used to troop out of the arrival hall in JFK back from visiting every pig farm in Mexico. Alongside me would be the disembarques off the flight from Rome or Milan. They would be greeted by familly members holding helium baloons, vast bunches of flowers and colourful bunting. A shout would go up and the family throng would surge forward to embrace the long-separated love one. Meanwhile I would look for my limousine driver and trudge off home.

I envied those fellow passngers. I wanted emotion, noise and fanfare. I wanted to be Italian. So I determined  to be one for a day each week. Just like my friend Donna. She didn't hold back on her emotions. A diminuitive dynamo with a personality twice her size, she would tell everyone what she thought and didn't give a fig. So I tried it for a while. Of course it didn't come naturally and so eventually petered out but it was fun while it lasted, that taste of La Vida Impassionata.

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