Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Party Line

We looked at the religious frescos in the church at Montefalco today. Full of saints and members of the Church hierarchy from the early Medieval times. Their subjects were captured for posterity and given a good press.

I also bought a copy of the Guardian newspaper. It made depressing reading with tales of rendition, failed economic policies and knee jerk explanations of the recent UK riots. The Establishment were working hard to regain control and solidify their reputations for posterity. It was like modern day frescos.

Then I read about Steve Cougan fighting News International to prove phone hacking and the Guardian/LSE independent study of the riots, when no Government led one was being proposed. So it seemed that the positive news came from those trying to shed light on shady dealings. This often doesn't get recorded in the official frescos. It is in the graffiti and cartoons. I should look for those in the church.

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